Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thurs 27th of Sep

Deload Bench Workout

Did some German Hangs to loosen up at first, then a couple of other bits and bobs.

Bench Press
5x40, 50, 60

Bulgarian Ring Rows x5 in between sets, plus a couple extra, I think I did 5x5.

Worked on some snatching, I really dominate the lower weights now, they feel ultra smooth and fast, but as soon as I hit the 60kg mark (which I realize is still light) I start missing them about half the time. I think I need to practise doing the snatch and then dropping down and work on catching lower and lower because at the moment it is pretty well a power snatch.

RTO support x10s x3 - Need to get this back up again I think.

L sit chins 2x5

Bulgarian Dips 1x4 - I'm a lot better at these than the last time I tried, I think better shoulder rotation and just generally better strength around the shoulder has helped.

Did some handstand and back lever work, getting closer and closer to a full negative straddle HS press, I think I just need to work on getting a full pancake stretch. I'm actually relatively close to the same thing in pike, but only because I have a full pike easy.

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