Sunday, September 23, 2012

Starting afresh!

So I had every intention to keep this blog up to date originally but I think I was trying to put too much info into it and thus put it aside into the 'too hard' pile. So, to remedy the situation, I've decided to keep it pretty well restricted to training and maybe a little dieting (I'm looking forward to doing that again, overeating all the time sucks).

Why do I train and where am I going with it?

I train because it keeps me happy and sane. Life tends to really piss me off and inwardly this anger builds up steadily but if I can get out and lift things, throw myself around or smack a ball then it dissipates, it doesn't seem so bad.

My strength goals are;

Bodyweight 90kg

1x bw Military Press 70kg -> 90kg
1.5x bw Bench 110kg -> 135kg
2x bw Squat 140kg -> 180kg
2.5x bw Deadlift 200kg -> 225kg

That's the 'big' lifts covered. I also dabble in Oly lifting and gymnastics (well a little more than dabble I'll admit)

1x bw Snatch 65kg -> 90kg
1.5x bw C+J  100kg -> 135kg

Solidify a full Back Lever (5 seconds)
Straddle Press Handstand
Solidify OAC (I've hit it a few times but never really 'locked it in')

There is some other things I'm sure I've forgotten but that is the gist of it. I was using gymnastics as the majority of my strength training but I've had many issues with tendonitis and I don't really want that any more so that has been put on the back burner a little for now, although I still do plenty of it. The oly lifting I do because it is damn fun and I think it really promotes a lot of important physical attributes, speed, power, flexibility, timing and co-ordination.

There is plenty more to my training than that but rather than try expand on it anymore, you can see my training journey unfold from here on in.

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