Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thurs 27th of Sep

Deload Bench Workout

Did some German Hangs to loosen up at first, then a couple of other bits and bobs.

Bench Press
5x40, 50, 60

Bulgarian Ring Rows x5 in between sets, plus a couple extra, I think I did 5x5.

Worked on some snatching, I really dominate the lower weights now, they feel ultra smooth and fast, but as soon as I hit the 60kg mark (which I realize is still light) I start missing them about half the time. I think I need to practise doing the snatch and then dropping down and work on catching lower and lower because at the moment it is pretty well a power snatch.

RTO support x10s x3 - Need to get this back up again I think.

L sit chins 2x5

Bulgarian Dips 1x4 - I'm a lot better at these than the last time I tried, I think better shoulder rotation and just generally better strength around the shoulder has helped.

Did some handstand and back lever work, getting closer and closer to a full negative straddle HS press, I think I just need to work on getting a full pancake stretch. I'm actually relatively close to the same thing in pike, but only because I have a full pike easy.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday 25th of September

Deload Squat workout

2x1 snatch pull followed by 1 full snatch @ 40 and 50kg

Clean and Jerk (squat jerk)
A bunch of reps with 50kg, was trying to get into a deep squat jerk.

Form was ok, vids below - I should have dropped deeper into the catch of both so I could check the form then as well but oh well.

5x50, 62.5, 75

Banded Pallof Press 3x10s - done with squat stance

Commando Planks 1x10 raises each arm, slow and controlled. Great exercise for anti rotation if you lack equipment

Hamstring curls with plastic mat on carpet - cramp city central. I did 1x3 and 1x5 - second set was much better as I didnt cramp so quick.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monday 24th of Sep

Deload Workout - much needed

Warmed up with some foam rolling and band work.

Did some light (5kg) rear and lateral delt raises for 2x20 maybe, wanted to get the shoulders nice and warm.

Overhead Pressing
5x 25, 32.5, 37.5kg
Alternated each set with wide grip pull ups x5 with a pause at the top.

Did some gay high rep stuff for delts and arms, I have the worst mind muscle connection with those muscles in comparison to everything else, especially in my left side. I think it was like this;

Fat grip BB curl x15
Lalanne Push up x15
Decline DB curl x10-15
Prone Tricep kickback (rotating from neutral to supinated grip) x10-15

Finished off with 1 set of rear delt hang and swings for 20x10kg and some mobility work for the whole body, also some back extensions as my back has been tender since deadlifting on saturday.

Starting afresh!

So I had every intention to keep this blog up to date originally but I think I was trying to put too much info into it and thus put it aside into the 'too hard' pile. So, to remedy the situation, I've decided to keep it pretty well restricted to training and maybe a little dieting (I'm looking forward to doing that again, overeating all the time sucks).

Why do I train and where am I going with it?

I train because it keeps me happy and sane. Life tends to really piss me off and inwardly this anger builds up steadily but if I can get out and lift things, throw myself around or smack a ball then it dissipates, it doesn't seem so bad.

My strength goals are;

Bodyweight 90kg

1x bw Military Press 70kg -> 90kg
1.5x bw Bench 110kg -> 135kg
2x bw Squat 140kg -> 180kg
2.5x bw Deadlift 200kg -> 225kg

That's the 'big' lifts covered. I also dabble in Oly lifting and gymnastics (well a little more than dabble I'll admit)

1x bw Snatch 65kg -> 90kg
1.5x bw C+J  100kg -> 135kg

Solidify a full Back Lever (5 seconds)
Straddle Press Handstand
Solidify OAC (I've hit it a few times but never really 'locked it in')

There is some other things I'm sure I've forgotten but that is the gist of it. I was using gymnastics as the majority of my strength training but I've had many issues with tendonitis and I don't really want that any more so that has been put on the back burner a little for now, although I still do plenty of it. The oly lifting I do because it is damn fun and I think it really promotes a lot of important physical attributes, speed, power, flexibility, timing and co-ordination.

There is plenty more to my training than that but rather than try expand on it anymore, you can see my training journey unfold from here on in.