Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday 16/11

Clean + front squat 5x40,50kg, 3x60kg

Front Squat - clean the first rep - 5x75, 3x85, 5x95 - PR I guess.

KB swings (32kg) 1x10 each hand, 1x20 hand to hand

3x20s german hang + 12s manna split hold (6s a side)

Another good session, my back is feeling a fair bit better.

Will throw the vids in later if I upload them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

First post back - 15/11/2012

So I've been without internet in my new place for the last week or so, so haven't been able to log anything, without further ado, here is todays benching session.

Bench Press - Paused
5x100 PR

Sets of 5 bulgarian rows between sets, hit 12 on my final set for another PR

Extra ROM Pike Press 3x8
OAC progression x5,3,3 - did a variation I really like today, side to side with a chin up grip.

Back Lever 20s tuck, 5s half lay, negative full BL - didn't want the massive strain of trying to hold it for a couple of seconds so it was just a controlled negative.

L sit x20s between sets.

Max push ups - 36, 4 better than last week. I do these with a hollow body position and strict form, so it is a lot harder than the way I used to be able to bang out 50-60 in a set. I am building up to 50 like this.

First time benching 100kg for reps, when I started 5/3/1 all over again it was with a bounced 100kg max so I think that is decent progress for the year.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday Oct 29th

Gah, so much shit going on right now, had to train fasted as I ran out of time to eat this morning. Still my weight was at 90kg, which is good. So training was;

Military Press
3x47.5, 55 7x60 PR

Weighted Chins
3x+10, +20, +20, 7x+30 - meh my pulling feels so off lately.

Inverted Ring Curls x5 + Tuck BL x20s

Dip x5 + L sitx20s, 10s

I was going to do a third round but was running out of time and wanted to do some shoulder isolation stuff, which I did along with a set of 15, 5, 5 chins, I was fatigued by here so I was happy with getting that.

Important point about the dips, they were pretty well the biggest ROM I can do on PBars, also paused at the bottom, so they were harder than your average dip.

This cycleof training is looking pretty fun, upper body is pretty well the same, just some high rep chins and push ups added and lower body days have some plyometrics added to them. Also doing Back squat and Front squat as my 2 main lifts for lower body.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday 22nd

Had a deadlift workout last friday, it sucked. My back isn't right so I'm taking a little bit of time off deadlifting and resetting my training max I think. I did do high rep hamstring curls with the sliding pad I made, my hamstrings are still sore lol, 3x15 will do that to you I guess.

Todays session was a quick deload one. I wasn't going to deload this week but I've been feeling a little off like I'm getting sick so I did it anyway.

Mil Press
5x25, 32.5, 40

Chins in between, 50 total roughly

Some shoulder stuff, lateral and rear flys mostly. Then did some random crap and called it a day.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday Oct 18th

5x97.5k - PR

Lots of inverted rows between sets, did different variations, just made sure to push it hard each set.

Korean Dips 3x5 - 1 set palms away, 2 palms toward
PBar Body curls 3x5 - these are a lot better than when I used to do them.

Did some tuck front lever pulls alternated with some planche work, I think it was 3x5 of each.

Handstand stuff, a fair bit of it. Have a couple of vids. Also did 2 stomach to the wall strict HeSPU, the second had a little more arch than I'd like but it wasn't too bad.

Some higher rep shoulder isolation stuff.

More shit coming tonight if I have the time...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday October 16th

Another good squat session, my warm up was more comprehensive than it has been of late, which may have helped. Did about 10mins of SMFR with the rumble roller then some light front squats just sitting in the hole for 10s, sitting really upright.

some x something
5x85 (was meant to be 95 but I misread)
8x120 - PR

Calculated max of 152kg

Paused Front Squats
2x5 @ 70kg

Lots of tumbling oriented practise, along with some planche stuff.

That is all for today folks, there is a topic I'm thinking of writing up on this week sometime but I'll see how I'm going for time.

Monday Oct 15th

Mil Press
5x50, 3x55, 6x62.5 - PR Calculated max of 75 or 76kg I believe. Lost my tightness on the last one and did it quite a layback press but oh well, it went up and down 6 times.

Weighted Chins - worked up to 3x45 - didnt want to do an absolute grinder for number 4, did a set of 2 and another single in the next couple of minutes to still hit 6 total.

Back lever, HS and L sit stuff.

Some lateral and posterior delt raises followed by 50 karwovski(sp?) rows with 40kg.

Did pike, bridge, split and straddle/pancake stretches, all of these have improved quite a bit of late.